
Blessing Hospital

Location: Quincy, IL

Blessing Hospital in Quincy has 2) Kewanee high pressure fire-tube type steam boilers and 1) Hurst high pressure fire-tube type steam boiler, all of which provide steam to the heating system and for the laundry services. The original Kewanee boilers have been at the facility since the 1960’s.

As with any boiler refractory, the expansion and contraction will eventually take a tole on the integrity of the material and it will begin to fail. In addition, the replacement of conventional refractories with ceramic materials increases the R-value and lowers the radiant heat loss from the exterior surface, which in turn lowers the burn risk to operators. At Xcell we have pioneered the use of ceramics in boilers, which includes:

  • Door insulation
  • Dry back boiler rear doors
  • Super-heaters
  • Water-tube boiler combustion chamber surfaces
  • Turn-around chambers
  • Higher R-Value
  • Expansion resistant
  • Replaceable